Unless there has been a substantial update, posting a game that has already been posted in the last three months is not allowed.This also means that they mustn't require downloading and that they cannot just be webtoys. This should not need to be said but your post must be to a webgame - a game playable in a web browser.If you want to share your drawing, feel free to post it to /r/DinosaurDrawings. Please also report any comments or posts that you feel violate these rules. We will then happily unban you (unless it was a repeat offense or done with obvious malicious intent). If you have been banned, please send us a modmail noting which rule(s) you broke and including a dinosaur that you drew.
If you violate any of these rules you will be banned. If you're not using the stylesheet you may have to hover over to see the hidden text. Welcome to /r/WebGames! This is a place for you to share and play fun, challenging, and strategic video games that can be played in the comfort of your own browser.